Who We Are

We are a select group of youth baseball teams based out of Brazos Valley (Bryan/College Station, Texas). We are proud to be parent coached and organized, while providing a mid-level cost and time commitment experience for youth baseball players.

We love competition, but we are first and foremost committed to the development of young men, both on and off the field. We know life's outcomes are secondary to its processes. We desire to instill discipline and consistency in all we do.

We hold ourselves accountable to give everything we've got to all that we're involved in, because that's just the way we are cut. We believe that how we do anything in life is how we do everything. We believe good enough isn't good enough if it can be better, and better isn't good enough if it can be best. If we can't win, we strive to push the one ahead of us to break the record, because effort in life always counts twice.

We are the Brazos Valley Bucks.

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